Opening hours: Tuesdays – Saturdays 9:00 – 17:00, Thursday – 11:00 – 19:00, Last Sunday of the month (free of charge) 10:00 – 16:00.
  For adults With discount*
Maironis Lithuanian Literature Museum (to all museum expositions) 8,00 EUR 4,00 EUR
  only to the Maironis Memorial Apartment 4,00EUR 2,00 EUR
  only for exhibitions 5,00 EUR 2,50 EUR
  only to the basements and garden of the museum 2,00 EUR 1,00 EUR
Family ticket (1 adult and 3 minor children) 10,00 EUR 
Family ticket (2 adults and 3 minor children) 16,00 EUR 
The Children's Literature Museum, Balys and Vanda Sruoga House-Museum 3,00 EUR 1,50 EUR
Family ticket (1 adult and 1-3 minor children) 4,00 EUR 
Family ticket (2 adults and 1-3 minor children) 7,00 EUR 
Salomėja Nėris and Bernardas Bučas House-Museum 4,00 EUR 2,00 EUR
Family ticket (1 adult and 1-3 minor children) 5,00 EUR
Family ticket (2 adults and 1-3 minor children) 9,00 EUR
Juozas Grušas House-Museum,
Juozas Tumas-Vaižgantas Apartment-Museum
2,00 EUR 1,00 EUR
Family ticket (1 adult and 1-3 minor children) 3,00 EUR
Family ticket (2 adults and 1-3 minor children) 5,00 EUR
NB Maironis Museum of Lithuanian Literature has an elevator for people with mobility issues.
ENGLISH GUIDED TOUR (max 25 people per tour)
Excursion in Maironis memorial apartment and exposition of poet's life and work (1-1.5 hours) 25,00 Eur + admission ticket per person 
Excursion in the exposition of the history of Lithuanian literature “Literature changes” (1-1.5 hours) 25,00 Eur + admission ticket per person 
Excursion around the whole museum (2.5-3 hours) 55,00 Eur + admission ticket per person 
Excursion in the Children's Literature Museum, Salomėja Nėris and Bernardas Bučas House-Museum, Juozas Grušas House-Museum,
Balys and Vanda Sruoga House-Museum
25,00 Eur + admission ticket per person
Excursion in the Juozas Tumas-Vaižgantas apartment-museum 20,00 Eur + admission ticket per person
Excursions must be booked in advance at the Maironis Lithuanian Literature Museum and its departments.
Rental price for hall and garden (email 200,00 EUR / 1 h
Rental price cellars (email 150,00 EUR / 1 h
Rental price with equipment (email 150–200 Eur/1 h. + 50 EUR one-time fee
Rental price other spaces (email a separate agreement
Non-museum events, conferences, seminars, etc. hosting in the museum or its departments a separate agreement
Museum visitors can take photos and videos at the museum's expositions free of charge (except in exceptional cases), but the use of flashes and a tripod is prohibited.
For non-personal use please require the written permission from the Museum Director.
Photoshoot (wedding, christening, birthday or other occasion) in the gardens or basements of museums 20.00 EUR. 
Photoshoot at the memorial expositions of the writers a separate agreement
Commercial photography and filming - a separate agreement
Photographing and scanning of exhibits for commercial purposes - a separate agreement, when:
scanning  2.00–10.00 EUR / 1 pcs
photography 5.00–30.00 EUR / 1 pcs.
*A discount applies to:
• pupils of the Republic of Lithuania, other Member States of the European Union and the countries of the European Economic Area.
• students of higher education institutions of the Republic of Lithuania, other Member States of the European Union and the countries of the European Economic Area;
• persons who have reached the state social insurance retirement age (up to 80 years);
• for victims of the occupations of 1939-1990, political prisoners and deportees, former prisoners of ghettos, concentration camps or other types of forced camps;
• Defenders of the independence of the Republic of Lithuania, who have suffered subsequent USSR aggression at 1991 January 11-13;
• Participants in the resistance to the occupations of 1940–1990 (military volunteers and participants in freedom fights).
Discounts for target groups are applied only upon submission of supporting documents.
The museum's expositions can be visited free of charge by:
• pre-school children (up to 7 years old);
• orphans and children deprived of parental care;
• disabled people and their accompanying persons (one accompanying person per disabled person);
• persons from 80 years of age;
• "Family card" holders;
• Employees of museums of the Republic of Lithuania;
• Members of the International Council of Museums (ICOM);
• Teachers of humanities in general education schools and vocational training institutions of the Republic of Lithuania and individual lecturers in the faculties of humanities of higher education institutions;
• Members of the Lithuanian Writers' Union;
• Members of the Lithuanian Union of Journalists;
• employees of the Department of Cultural Heritage under the Ministry of Culture ;
• all visitors on the last Sunday of each month, February 16, March 11, July 6;
• Ukrainians withdrawn from Ukraine due to military actions taken by the Russian Federation in Ukraine;
• soldiers of permanent compulsory military service, volunteer soldiers, veterans of the Lithuanian army, NATO soldiers, soldiers of the German brigade.




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