The house was built in 1937–1939 according to the project of the poet’s husband sculptor and architect Bernardas Bučas. It is wooden, plastered, two-storey, with an attic and a brick annex for the sculpture workshop.

Many honorable guests, good friends, relatives visited this house of artists… Bernard and his brother worked in a sculpture workshop, where a modern literary exposition is now installed. In cold weather, the sculptor moved to the winter studio, now you can see his works and photos here.
Writers visited this house also – Petronėlė Orintaitė, Antanas Venclova, Petras Cvirka… The poet led them to a cozy bright living room, laid on the table her own baked apple pie, flipped through books and magazines that are still preserved. A narrow wooden staircase leads to the second floor, to the workroom of Salomėja Nėris, where she wrote a collection of poems “Diemedžių žydėsu” (1938). Also unusual and original family bedroom. Unknown if the hosts of these houses would allow their guests to stay there…

Looking through the windows of a cozy attic includes the inspiration to create, to write. The poet probably felt the same… Now here is an educational class. The attic leads to a large outdoor terrace, and the four balconies of the house offer views of the hosts’ garden, Lakštingalų valley, Kaunas lagoon.
These houses have secrets that will be revealed when you visit…

B. Sruogos st. 21, Kaunas.
0 37 730474
Working hours: II, III, V, VI – 9.00–17.00 IV – 11.00–19.00 Last Sunday of the month – 10.00-16.00
Kristina Grigonytė-Šerpenskienė (Educator)
Birutė Glaznerienė (Chief Collection Curator)
How to get there by public transport:
Stop Studentų st. Buses: 3, 37, 37N, 40. 




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