This is a story that goes back to Dalia Grinkevičiūtė's childhood, exile and persecution in Soviet Lithuania, when she wanted to move to a free Paris. It continues in 2022, when the artists - Gintarė Valevičiūtė-B., Vytenė Muschick, Jurga Graf - conceived the exhibition "Dalia Grinkevičiūtė. Spaces / Overcome distances" became part of the programme of Kaunas – „European Capital of Culture 2022“, telling the writer's life story in a contemporary way.
And finally, we are approaching 2024, when the "Lithuanian Season in France 2024" was started and the best Lithuanian artists went to present their art.
Distances have vanished. The circle of time has merged.
The exhibition was organised by:
curator Audronė Meškauskaitė
designer Inga Zamulskienė