Jonas Mačiulis-Maironis. Today, the most important life facts, creative, scientific and other works of this personality are known to many. The material presented in the virtual exhibition illustrates only a small part of the rich and diverse legacy of the Poet kept in the Maironis Museum of Lithuanian Literature, which consists of more than 3,000 original exhibits. This exhibition features: photos of Jonas Mačiulis' family members, friends, the first book editions and the oldest publication of the Maironis Library, examples of works, lectures, sermons, document manuscripts, captured moments of the Poet's travels, several postcards from the fragments of cards, portraits of Maironis painted by famous artists and others. Some exhibits can be seen up close by visiting the museum, while others are stored in collections and shown to visitors only on special occasions.
Maironis birthplace in Pasandravys. Photo by Aldona Ruseckaitė -
Maironis' homeland in Bernotai. Photo by Aldona Ruseckaitė -
Student of Kaunas Seminary of Priests. Kaunas. About 1888. Photo by V. Zatorski -
Maironis with mother and sisters. About 1880 -
Pranciška Mačiulytė (1860–1942) -
Kotryna Mačiulytė (1870–1929) -
Jonas Mačiulis' nanny Ona Palkevičiūtė-Eidrigevičienė with her husband and daughter -
Jonas Mačiulis with his father. About 1880 -
The title of Maironis' sermon. 1888 -
Maironis business card -
Maironis business card -
Maironis business card -
Maironis with friends -
Excerpt from the 1920s „Pavasario balsai“ edition -
J. Mačiulis in St. Petersburg. About 1895. Photo by J. Steinberg -
On the way to Zapyškis. 1923 -
Board of the Lithuanian Artists' Association. 1920 -
Maironis guest business cards -
A vase where guests left their business cards -
Manuscript -
The oldest book from the Maironis library is about 1600 -
With professors and priests of Kaunas Seminary of Priests. 1930 -
At the monument to J. Basanavičius in the garden of the Military Museum. 1925 -
St. Petersburg. 1903 -
Lecture excerpt. 1923 -
Poem "Tarp skausmų į garbę". Tilsit. 1895 -
Poem „Jaunoji Lietuva“ -
Maironis' first book. Tilsit. 1891 -
Poem in Polish "Z nad Biruty". Brooklyn. 1904 -
Request to change surname -
Marcelė Mačiulytė (1864–1958) -
Maironis with Bishop Kazimieras Paltarokas. About 1927 -
Maironis with his friend priest Antanas Jančiauskas -
Excerpt from a sermon. 1927 -
Maironis in the study. 1931 -
Manuscript of Maironis' drama -
Meeting of the Lithuanian Seimas. 1923 -
Jadvyga Stanelytė. Maironis' niece teacher, a good friend of the poet, an inspirer -
Painter S. Riomerienė. 1924 -
Painter J. Šileika. 1924. This is the only portrait in which the poet wears the clothes of a layman -
Painter J. Janulis. Kaunas. 1929 -
Postcard from Maironis album -
Postcard from Maironis album -
Postcard from Maironis album -
Drawing by architect Karolis Reisonas – Maironis' house in Aleksotas. 1931 -
Maironis corrections -
Raseinių Magdė“. Kaunas. 1909 m. -
Pavasario balsai“. Tilžė. 1920 m. -
Pavasario balsai“. Peterburgas. 1905 m. -
Pavasario balsai“. Kaunas. 1913 m. -
1927 Manuscript of "Pavasario balsai" edited by Maironis. 2008 included in the Lithuanian National Register -
In Palanga. About 1925 -
Afternoon on Maironis' small site. About 1930 -
Stay in Latvia. 1932 -
St. Easter on the big site. About 1930 -
Prelate ring -
The first edition of „Pavasario balsai“. Tilsit. 1895 -
A fragment of Maironis' will. Kaunas. 1930 December 17 -
M. Maironis in St. Petersburg -
In Kaunas. About 1910 Photo by S. Bielodubrovsky -
A poem that Maironis wrote on the other side of his portrait and dedicated it to the artist S. Riomerienė -
The poem "Skausmo skundas", which the poet asked to be published only after his death