Wooden house of modernist forms, 1936 designed by architect Vladimir Zubov. It is interesting that the house was first built in Žemaitija, on the estate of Kazimieras Daugirdas, the father of V. Sruogienė. However, parts of the dismantled house were brought to Kaunas by rail and it was rebuilt. 1938 the construction of the house was completed and the Sruogai family moved to live here.
On the ground floor, three authentic Balys and Vanda Sruogai rooms have been restored.

Professor B. Sruoga’s office has a part of a personal library, a typewriter, an ancient style desk, and on the walls are portraits of the writer created by artists Olga Dubeneckienė-Kalpokienė, Vladas Didžiokas, Adomas Varnas. In the study of historian Dr. V. Daugirdaitė Sruogienė – part of the memorial library sent from the USA, on the desk – personal items, on the walls – reproductions of paintings by the artist M. K. Čiurlionis.

In the living-dining room – furniture created by the artist Jonas Pruolenis, artists Adomas Galdikas, Antanas Žmuidzinavičius, Leonas Kazokas, Viktoras Petravičius and others. works, friends of Sruogos, colleagues – theater actors, stakeholders, lecturers regularly visited here.

On the second floor there are two separate literary expositions dedicated to Balys and Vanda Sruogai.
The museum hosts various events, commemorations, excursions and educational programs for visitors of all ages. Excursions and educational programs must be booked in advance.

B. Sruogos st. 21, Kaunas.
0 37 730474
Working hours: II, III, V, VI – 9.00–17.00 IV – 11.00–19.00 Last Sunday of the month – 10.00-16.00
Kristina Grigonytė-Šerpenskienė (Educator) kristina.grigonyte@maironiomuziejus.lt
Birutė Glaznerienė (Chief Collection Curator) birute.glazneriene@maironiomuziejus.lt
How to get there by public transport:
Stop Studentų st. Buses: 3, 37, 37N, 40. 




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